Friday, July 6, 2012

Fleur Delacour

First Meeting Fleur Delacour

This is a picture of Fleur in her blue school uniform when the Beuxbatons' girls first arrive in the Great Hall in the Goblet of Fire.

Here's mine:

And here's the original:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hermione & Ron

This has to be one of the pictures I am most proud of how it turned out. This is of Ron and Hermione in the Prisoner of Azkaban when they are peering into the Three Broomsticks after Harry followed Madame Rosemerta, Professor McGonagall, and Fudge.

And the original it's a little lighter than the actual movie, but you get it:


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tonks and Moody

Here's a new picture for you! This is Tonks and Mad-Eye Moody when they come to get Harry in the Order of the Phoenix.

And here is the original for some comparison:


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Colossal Colored Creations

Harry at Gringotts

I've decided to start this blog to share my pictures. Now, I'm definitely not claiming to be an amazing artist. These pictures are out of a colorbook. However, what I do is find the actual picture on the internet and I do my best to make the picture look like the actual movie still.

Here is my picture:

Now, for comparison I'll throw in the original:
